EESTEC seminārs „Power Engineering Today and Tomorrow (PETT)”

Norises laiks: 6-12 aprīlis 2009
Norises vieta: Ļubļana, Slovēnija
Pieteikšanās: līdz 24.02 jānosūta anketa un 3 salikti teikumi kāpēc gribi piedalīties uz
Organizē: LC Ljubljana

Eeducational part of this Workshop:
PETT is a traditional workshop, where we discuss about current problems and future challenges in power engineering field. This year’s topic will be ELECTRICAL ENERGY INDEPENDENCE.

Energy consumption everywhere is increasing every year, although there haven’t been many investments in infrastructure and new renewable resources. In past the system has always been re-dimensioned, so regular users (people) now don’t aware that the whole system is on the edge of its capabilities. I the last decade, ways of producing electrical energy has been drastically changed, in addition to that, the whole concept of production and distribution of electrical energy is on doorstep of its changes. Instead of big producing units with conventional resources (nuclear plants, thermo plants) and one-way distribution system, we have now mass of small, low power renewable resources (wind turbines, solar plants…). Can we cover all of the needs for electrical power with renewable resources, is fission more appropriate, or do we expect from scientists to handle the process of fusion?

Participants will receive lectures by some of European most acknowledged experts and professors, on:
*) renewable resources
*) nuclear energy
*) transmission of energy
*) overview of current situation in energetic in Europe
*) distributed generation of electrical energy
*) vision and future plans for European electrical energy development and more
On practical part will participants make some of practical experiments and make some solutions on current problems in energetic field, which concerns our every day life. There will be also excursion to nuclear power plant Krško.

Social activities of this Workshop:
As we say in Ljubljana, WORK HARD, PARTY HARDER!!!
There will also be plenty of time for sightseeing and attending parties in local clubs and pubs. After the long but still to short(!) week, we’ll take you out of city for the weekend to relax and to get some outdoor fun.

We really look forward to see you in Ljubljana. Be ready for an amazing week, full of quality lectures, crazy parties and be prepared to push your creativity, mind and spirit to the limits!