Inženierekonomikas un vadības fakultātes studentu pašpārvalde piedāvā TEV atzīmēt Valentīna dienu bez šokolādes sirdīm un plīša lāčiem, bet vienkārši labi atpūšoties!
Kad? 10. februārī
Kur? M1/7
Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Datorzinātnes un informācijas tehnoloģijas fakultātes Studentu pašpārvalde
Katru gadu Rēzeknes Augstskolas Inženieru fakultātē „Inženieru dienu” ietvaros notiek starptautiskā studentu zinātniski praktiskā konference „Cilvēks. Vide. Tehnoloģijas.” Tas mērķis ir dot iespēju studentiem popularizēt savus pētījumus un ar tiem iepazīstināt plašāku publiku. Zinātniski raksti tiek publicēti konference zinātnisko rakstu krājumā.
Vairāk informācijas:
The conference continues a series of annual conferences started in 2000. The objective of the conference is to establish a communication and knowledge sharing on software testing among all types of IT professionals, researchers and students. The goal is to discuss the industry experience, revisit the theoretical foundations of testing, to challenge the existing stereotypes. The conference will form part of the international forum “IT: From local to global”.
Major topics for the conference will include, but are not limited to:
Multifunctional software development where testing is not performed only by test
• Testing beyond testing professionals
• Test driven development
• Customer acceptance testing
• The oracle problem Continue reading “Discover the Tester in You”
In 25th January application for BALTECH Student Body Exchange 2010 will start. It is great opportunity to experience your neighboring countries, learn about your study field and build connections to other technical students!
BALTECH Consortium universities can get financial support for student group to fulfill two – way exchange with other student group from different member universities. Continue reading “BALTECH Student Body Exchange 2010 has started!”